Thursday, August 25, 2005

Northern Youth need your help

Recently a group of local paid and volunteer workers put in a submission to the Tasmanian Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Community Development's enquiry into Strategies for the Prevention of Suicide.

Two of these workers (Sally Coker, who volunteers with the Youth Insearch program, and Jane Chapman, a Youth Worker/Family Liasion officer from the Northern Suburbs Community Centre) subsequently addressed the Committee in Launceston on 4 August 2005. At the hearing Sally and Jane were able to voice their concerns about the lack of youth services and support workers available to disadvantaged, disheartened and suicidal youths in their local communities. For example there is no professional youth worker and/or youth activities program in Ravenswood despite there being a relatively high proportion of the population who are aged 15 years or under. (To read a transcipt of their evidence please go to the Parliament of Tasmania's
Joint Standing Committee on Community Development's
webpage, select the link for 4 August 2005 and refer to Pages 92-98).

Since the hearings the workers and their supporters have been lobbying both State and Federal politicians for support in getting the required resources into the community, but they need the public's support too. If you'd like to assist with lobbying or make comment on what's going on please see the Ravenswood and District Community Portal.

We've also discovered in the last week that Youth Insearch have closed their Tasmanian operations. This is a further blow to some 16 or so Northern kids who have been involved with the Insearch program in 2005.

x-ref Posts titled "Submission to Tas Parliamentary Committee - Suicide Prevention Strategies" and "Youth Insearch give their reasons for quitting Tassie"


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