Youth Insearch give their reasons for quitting Tassie
The following is the text of an open letter dated 3 September 2005 from Youth Insearch founder Ron Barr OAM to Tasmanian Youth Insearch Supporters explaining their decision to cease operations in Tasmania.Dear Youth Insearch Supporters,
Unfortunately I must advise you that Youth Insearch is no longer operating in Tasmania.
As you are all probably aware this is our second attempt to establish the program in Tasmania and regretfully Youth Insearch in Tasmania has not achieved our expected outcomes.
There are a number of factors which have influenced this decision, the most recent being the number of support people from the last camp who indicated that they would not support the program in its current form. The changes requested would completely destroy the "essence" and simplicity of the program. This has been the reason for Youth Insearch's success and enthusiastic support over more than 20 years and twenty six thousand participants throughout Australia.
This decision in no way reflects on the energies and enthusiasm of Mark Brown, our Youth Liaison, whose position has now unfortunately become redundant.
Our young Leaders in Tasmania will not be disadvantaged by this decision as they will be facilitating camps as part of the National Team. They are excited to continue to be involved at this level.
On behalf of Youth Insearch I would like to thank Toby Crawford, who was instrumental in reintroducing the program to Tasmania, The Lions Clubs of Tasmania for their generous support and the loyal individual people who have supported us throughout the second period.
In conclusion this is a very sad time for Youth Insearch and I would like to wish everyone who has supported us every success in the future.
Kind Personal Regards
Ron Barr
x-ref Post titled "Northern Youth need your help"
Whilst we all know that doing business in Tasmania can seem harder than in any other State, it'd be fair to wonder how committed Youth Insearch really were to Tassie (despite the fact they received federal funding to operate here).
If you don't like their decision and/or their approach to Tassie please let them know by contacting them at
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