The BLOKES are back!!!!!
Blokes United is back!!!!Blokes United is a core group of men that are working together to establish a Men's Network in Northern Tasmania.
And before you ask: no, we aren't talking about blokes sitting around a campfire reading bad poetry to each other or getting in touch with their primal roots through frantic tribal drumming.
I can assure my loyal reader(or more optimistically, readeeeeers) that Blokes United are about down to earth men working together to support each other in practical ways in everyday life.
In their own words:
"The Blokes United idea had its beginnings in 2003 when a group of Men from the Northern Suburbs of Launceston formed out of "a perceived need for lower income, underprivileged and lonely men to meet other men in a friendly and non aggressive environment..."
Many of the original members were "pensioners, of mature years", who were "socially isolated by their limited resources and circumstances." Regardless of their ages, they all shared the mission: Blokes supporting Blokes and other folk.
From the beginning what the Men wanted to achieve was clear:
1. A communal space for men to meet and socialise;
2. A workspace for men to undertake projects in the company of other men (i.e. a Men's Shed);
3. A program of social outings (eg fishing) and barbecues.
And finally, they wanted these activities to be organised by men for men so that they truly reflected what blokes wanted to do in the company of other blokes.
Over the following "two years there were numerous outings, barbecues and get togethers of men and at times, their partners and families. Men shared their unique stories and life experiences; their achievements and struggles - and their desire to pass on their wisdom to help others. Men also supported each other through crisis times in their lives such as critical health related problems."
Sadly, the search for both a home for the Blokes and a work shed proved elusive.
Most recently a number of fathers and fathers support workers have become part of Blokes United, bringing renewed strength, ideas and activism. The goals have broadened to include the formation of a Northern Men's Network and Men's Centre; as well as lobbying for the formation of a Men's Shed Workshop.
In short; if you're a bloke; Blokes United needs YOU!!!!! And quite possibly, YOU need the Blokes.
For more information, please contact:
Mick Goss - 63954129
John Edwards - 63367000
Garry Rafferty - 63365155
And if you have a shed available at a discounted rent or better that's located close to the City , then these Blokes definitely need to hear from you.
Go the Blokes!!!!!
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