Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My tribute to the Mirror State

Tasmania is the Mirror State.

We're always looking into things.

No seriously, you would not believe the number of Reviews underway into all sorts of social issues and service failings. You also wouldn't believe how many very good Reports lie gathering dust on a shelf somewhere for want of the will and the money to implement their recommendations.

It occurred to me that many of the organisations and projects that I've reported on in this Blog are either struggling to find the resources they need to deliver the outcomes they had hoped for, have already collapsed, or are under funding threat despite having demonstrated significant success.

Similarly, many of the social issues we've canvassed haven't progressed far enough to ease suffering. For some, such as suicide prevention, another review/consultation process has commenced before we've even seen the report of the first.

So I've decided as my own (ironic) tribute to the Mirror State, to Review & Report on the status of all of the major issues or programs that I've covered here since 2005.

Northern NEWPIN(6/6/05) - The program itself continues to deliver wonderful outcomes for its members, but it’s future is uncertain as it is yet to secure recurrent funding.
Northern Suburbs Community Centre (6/6/05) - Continuing to meet the needs of many northern suburbs residents.
Ravenswood District & Community News(6/6/05) - Now part of the Ravenswood Neighbourhood House programs. Doesn’t appear to be published with any regularity anymore.
Suicide Prevention(23/8/05) - Still no report from the Tasmanian Parliamentary Inquiry two years on from receiving evidence from Sally and Jane! The current DHHS Community Consultation is continuing, but I imagine we are still some time away from recommendations let alone funded initiatives. Who has, and who will, pass over in the time we wait?
Mayfield Youth Action Group(26/12/05)- No further funding. Specific Mayfield activities have ceased (but the need for them hasn’t).
Corporate Social Responsibility(14/2/06) - A huge disappointment given that a primary ambition of mine (and the original reason for this site) was to grow corporate philanthropy in Launceston. Whilst I’ve personally witnessed some incredibly generous individual donations recently, for all intents and appearances corporate giving in Launceston remains poor compared to mainland standards, and certainly none of the projects I’ve promoted have been fundamentally assisted, let alone delivered, by a business White Knight! Congratulations to those who continue to give quietly and regularly (including the much maligned Gunns), but we really need to create a stronger tradition of giving amongst medium sized businesses (5-25 employees) if we are going to achieve the human and community potential inherent in this City. It's our town; all our responsibility.
Neighbourhood Houses (14/2/06) - The 33 Neighbourhood Houses in Tasmania continue to provide services on a shoe string budget. They meet the needs of some constituents very well, but will never be able to achieve the full range of Strategic Objectives required of them by the Tasmanian Government without the funding for a higher level of service and professionalism. That funding need not, and should not, be solely the responsibility of Government and is just the sort of social program that would lend itself well to business support.
LYNX(12/7/06)- Continuing with the loyal support of LIONS and committed volunteers. Providing a much needed option in the wake of the disappointing pull out by Youth Insearch, but constrained in what they can achieve by both funding and resources.
Launceston City Mission’s Ashley House (20/1/07) - Progressing under the capable management of City Mission and Rotary. A great response to the initial appeal but more financial support needed to cover the capital cost.
Blokes United(30/1/07)- The Blokes are meeting regularly but they still have no funding for meaningful programs and no home base/workshop. The dream of a Men's Centre remains just that.
14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (13/2/07) - Going beautifully. His teachings are more relevant and meaningful than ever, but of course Tibet is still not free!
Primary Health Reform(5/4/07) - The most controversial issue I've covered on the Blog, it is proving to be a political quagmire eg the anxiety about the closure of Ouse and Rosebery Hospitals. My position remains that the State has to put more money into Acute care and prevention/health promotion activities, and the Commonwealth needs to take responsibility for these mainly aged care rural facilities. Just don’t look forward to a well designed Tasmanian health system anytime soon.
One Care/Phillip Oakden House(5/6/07) Lost. Phillip Oakden House is closed. 3 public palliative beds are being provided at St Lukes Hospital on an interim basis but there’s no guarantee the service will ever return to the building the community lovingly created for the purpose.
Ashley Youth Detention Centre Reform(13/7/07)- No announcements from Government yet about what, if any, recommendations will be adopted.
Pokies Reform(10/9/07) - No progress yet in either Tasmania or mainland Australia, but it’s early days. The current review provides a focus for activity, but whether the ultimate report leads to real reform or more mirror gazing remains to be seen.

Clearly this is a disappointing litany of failure, and these are only those issues that I've been free to canvas on this Blog.

Progress in this city is well and truly dead; and so I suspect is the Grassroots Launceston Blog.

Although I've had some good traffic over the years, one would have to objectively conclude from the total lack of progress on these important issues that continuing this Blog is a waste of time. Even though it's always been secondary to me to actually taking action on issues, I can't justify spending future time Blogging that could be better used helping individuals directly.

And so for now, I suspect this is my last post. I've taken a good, long, hard look at myself in the great Tasmanian tradition - but unlike Government I've decided that I want to do something more productive with my future !!!!! :-)


At 8:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame it would be to see this end.... I walk through your blog often and it inspires me and validates what I and many others do....perhaps we need that pat on the back and support with words such as yours...perhaps that is what this is for a lot of others also who wander through your social injustice chats and community needs and wants!! Reminding us and others that even though programs (awards winning programs) have ceased we are still out there trying to get funding and dont give up, even if it looks like we have at times, we believe in our communities even when it looks like our governments dont!!! Thanks mate and I trully hope to see you back again soon



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